几个研究小组对环糊精与咖啡因的相互作用进行了研究。HPBCD/咖啡因复合物的关联常数(700 M-1[2]和400 M-1[3],分别由相溶性和荧光测定法确定)已经公布。BCD/咖啡因复合物的关联常数被发现要低得多(通过荧光法和量热法分别为171 M-1[3]和30 M-1[4])。
BCD对咖啡因的低亲和力可以解释BCD或BCD聚合物对模型咖啡提取物脱咖啡因的争议性结果[5, 6]。
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[3] Wei, YL Ding, LH Dong, C Niu, WP Shuang, SM (2003) Study on inclusion complex of cyclodextrin with methyl xanthine derivatives by fluorimetry. Spectroc. Acta Pt. A-Molec. Biomolec. Spectr., 59(12), 2697-2703.
[4] Terekhova, I. V., & Kulikov, O. V. (2002). Calorimetric study of the molecular recognition of nucleic acid bases by β-cyclodextrin in aqueous solution. Mendeleev Communications, 12(6), 245–246. https://doi.org/10.1070/mc2002v012n06abeh001648
[5] Shaw, P.E., Buslig, B.S. (1986) Selective removal of bitter compounds from grapefruit juice and from aqueous solution with cyclodextrin polymers and with Amberlite XAD-4. J. Agric. Food Chem., 34(5), 837-840.
[6] Yu, E.K.C. (1988) Novel decaffeination process using cyclodextrins. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 28, 546-552. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00250410
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