Brain and brain waves in epilepsy, computer illustration. This EEG (electroencephalogram) illustration shows generalized epilepsy, affecting the whole brain cortex: all the EEG traces show chaotic brain waves. Epilepsy can take many forms, and have different effects. This could illustrate both benign epilepsy (inherited childhood form that normally improves with age), and myoclonic epilepsy (form that causes muscle contractions). An EEG measures electrical activity in the brain using electrodes attached to the scalp.
Ligand Pharmaceuticals Incorporated宣布,其合作伙伴Sedor Pharmaceuticals, LLC已获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)对SESQUIENT的批准,SESQUIENT是一种Captisol含有Fosphenytoin(注射用磷苯妥英钠),用于治疗成人和儿童患者的癫痫状态。
SESQUIENT 是唯一获得 FDA 批准的磷苯妥英,可进行护理点储存,并可在急诊室、重症监护室、急救车和长期护理机构中进行快速高效的给药,在这些机构中,状态性癫痫等连续发作是最常见的治疗方法。赛多公司正在积极讨论授权SESQUIENT在北美、欧洲和除中国以外的其他地区的商业权利,因为在中国已经获得授权。
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