“环糊精的前景” 特刊。
“环糊精的前景 “专刊已出版。
特邀编辑。Susana Santos Braga。

Perspectives of Cyclodextrins
Special Issue in journal Biomolecules: Perspectives of Cyclodextrins
Tonelli, A.E. Nanoscale Restructuring of Polymer Materials to Produce Single Polymer Composites and Miscible Blends. Biomolecules 2019, 9(6), 240;. Views: 969, Downloads: 788, Citations: 0, Altmetrics: 0 Nanoscale Restructuring of Polymer Materials to Produce Single Polymer Composites and Miscible BlendsI summarize work conducted in our laboratories over the past 30 years using small host molecules to restructure polymer materials at the nanometer level. Certai...Faisal, Z.; Fliszár-Nyúl, E.; Dellafiora, L.; Galaverna, G.; Dall’Asta, C.; Lemli, B.; Kunsági-Máté, S.; Szente, L.; Poór, M. Cyclodextrins Can Entrap Zearalenone-14-Glucoside: Interaction of the Masked Mycotoxin with Cyclodextrins and Cyclodextrin Bead Polymer. Biomolecules 2019, 9(8), 354; Nanoscale Restructuring of Polymer Materials to Produce Single Polymer Composites and Miscible BlendsI summarize work conducted in our laboratories over the past 30 years using small host molecules to restructure polymer materials at the nanometer level. Certai.... Views: 1134, Downloads: 926, Citations: 5, Altmetrics: 1 Cyclodextrins Can Entrap Zearalenone-14-Glucoside: Interaction of the Masked Mycotoxin with Cyclodextrins and Cyclodextrin Bead PolymerZearalenone (ZEN) is a Fusarium-derived xenoestrogenic mycotoxin. In plants, zearalenone-14-O-β-d-glucoside (Z14G) is the major conjugated metabolite of ZEN, an...Fliszár-Nyúl, E.; Lemli, B.; Kunsági-Máté, S.; Szente, L.; Poór, M. Interactions of Mycotoxin Alternariol with Cyclodextrins and Its Removal from Aqueous Solution by Beta-Cyclodextrin Bead Polymer. Biomolecules 2019, 9(9), 428; Cyclodextrins Can Entrap Zearalenone-14-Glucoside: Interaction of the Masked Mycotoxin with Cyclodextrins and Cyclodextrin Bead PolymerZearalenone (ZEN) is a Fusarium-derived xenoestrogenic mycotoxin. In plants, zearalenone-14-O-β-d-glucoside (Z14G) is the major conjugated metabolite of ZEN, an.... Views: 833, Downloads: 745, Citations: 8, Altmetrics: 1 Interactions of Mycotoxin Alternariol with Cyclodextrins and Its Removal from Aqueous Solution by Beta-Cyclodextrin Bead PolymerAlternariol is an Alternaria mycotoxin that appears in fruits, tomatoes, oilseeds, and corresponding products. Chronic exposure to it can induce carcinogenic an...Váradi, J.; Hermenean, A.; Gesztelyi, R.; Jeney, V.; Balogh, E.; Majoros, L.; Malanga, M.; Fenyvesi, É.; Szente, L.; Bácskay, I.; Vecsernyés, M.; Fehér, P.; Ujhelyi, Z.; Vasvári, G.; Árvai, I.; Rusznyák, Á.; Balta, C.; Herman, H.; Fenyvesi, F. Pharmacokinetic Properties of Fluorescently Labelled Hydroxypropyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin. Biomolecules 2019, 9(10), 509; Interactions of Mycotoxin Alternariol with Cyclodextrins and Its Removal from Aqueous Solution by Beta-Cyclodextrin Bead PolymerAlternariol is an Alternaria mycotoxin that appears in fruits, tomatoes, oilseeds, and corresponding products. Chronic exposure to it can induce carcinogenic an.... Views: 1025, Downloads: 1002, Citations: 2, Altmetrics: 0 Pharmacokinetic Properties of Fluorescently Labelled Hydroxypropyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin2-Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD) is utilized in the formulation of pharmaceutical products and recently orphan designation was granted for the treatmen...Venuti, V.; Crupi, V.; Fazio, B.; Majolino, D.; Acri, G.; Testagrossa, B.; Stancanelli, R.; De Gaetano, F.; Gagliardi, A.; Paolino, D.; Floresta, G.; Pistarà, V.; Rescifina, A.; Ventura, C.A. Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Idebenone/Hydroxypropyl-<i>β</i>-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex <xref rid="fn1-biomolecules-570665" ref-type="fn">†</xref>. Biomolecules 2019, 9(10), 531; Pharmacokinetic Properties of Fluorescently Labelled Hydroxypropyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin2-Hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD) is utilized in the formulation of pharmaceutical products and recently orphan designation was granted for the treatmen.... Views: 916, Downloads: 1269, Citations: 8, Altmetrics: 0 Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Idebenone/Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex †Idebenone (IDE) is an antioxidant drug active at the level of the central nervous system (CNS), whose poor water solubility limits its clinical application. An ...Braga, S.S. Cyclodextrins: Emerging Medicines of the New Millennium. Biomolecules 2019, 9(12), 801; Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Idebenone/Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex †Idebenone (IDE) is an antioxidant drug active at the level of the central nervous system (CNS), whose poor water solubility limits its clinical application. An .... Views: 1096, Downloads: 1560, Citations: 13, Altmetrics: 1 Cyclodextrins: Emerging Medicines of the New MillenniumCyclodextrins, since their discovery in the late 19th century, were mainly regarded as excipients. Nevertheless, developments in cyclodextrin research have show...Oliva, E.; Mathiron, D.; Rigaud, S.; Monflier, E.; Sevin, E.; Bricout, H.; Tilloy, S.; Gosselet, F.; Fenart, L.; Bonnet, V.; Pilard, S.; Djedaini-Pilard, F. New Lipidyl-Cyclodextrins Obtained by Ring Opening of Methyl Oleate Epoxide Using Ball Milling. Biomolecules 2020, 10(2), 339; Cyclodextrins: Emerging Medicines of the New MillenniumCyclodextrins, since their discovery in the late 19th century, were mainly regarded as excipients. Nevertheless, developments in cyclodextrin research have show.... Views: 871, Downloads: 716, Citations: 3, Altmetrics: 2 New Lipidyl-Cyclodextrins Obtained by Ring Opening of Methyl Oleate Epoxide Using Ball MillingBearing grafts based on fatty esters derivatives, lipidyl-cyclodextrins (L-CDs) are compounds able to form water-soluble nano-objects. In this context, bicatena...Pais, J.M.; Pereira, B.; Paz, F.A.A.; Cardoso, S.M.; Braga, S.S. Solid γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound with Gingerols, a Multi-Component Guest: Preparation, Properties and Application in Yogurt. Biomolecules 2020, 10(2), 344; New Lipidyl-Cyclodextrins Obtained by Ring Opening of Methyl Oleate Epoxide Using Ball MillingBearing grafts based on fatty esters derivatives, lipidyl-cyclodextrins (L-CDs) are compounds able to form water-soluble nano-objects. In this context, bicatena.... Views: 741, Downloads: 720, Citations: 1, Altmetrics: 1 Solid γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound with Gingerols, a Multi-Component Guest: Preparation, Properties and Application in YogurtGingerols from the rhizome of fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) were obtained by a simple extraction, followed by purification. The gingerols extract was compo...F. Garrido, P.; Calvelo, M.; Garcia-Fandiño, R.; Piñeiro, Á. Rings, Hexagons, Petals, and Dipolar Moment Sink-Sources: The Fanciful Behavior of Water around Cyclodextrin Complexes. Biomolecules 2020, 10(3), 431; Solid γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound with Gingerols, a Multi-Component Guest: Preparation, Properties and Application in YogurtGingerols from the rhizome of fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) were obtained by a simple extraction, followed by purification. The gingerols extract was compo.... Views: 1035, Downloads: 586, Citations: 2, Altmetrics: 2 Rings, Hexagons, Petals, and Dipolar Moment Sink-Sources: The Fanciful Behavior of Water around Cyclodextrin ComplexesThe basket-like geometry of cyclodextrins (CDs), with a cavity able to host hydrophobic groups, makes these molecules well suited for a large number of fundamen... Rings, Hexagons, Petals, and Dipolar Moment Sink-Sources: The Fanciful Behavior of Water around Cyclodextrin ComplexesThe basket-like geometry of cyclodextrins (CDs), with a cavity able to host hydrophobic groups, makes these molecules well suited for a large number of fundamen...